october 2, 2024: - three new posts!! yippeee waahoooo - and yes that "anything is better" one is what happened to me, line by line, god I am fuuucked up from it - anyway I fixed the problem and ran away for real for real, so I can do stuff like... focus, and not second guess myself all the time. which is fucking crazy, still getting used to it - that c++ one is finally done, I thought I had hours upon hours of work left but I opened up the file and it was literally 95% done. why am I like this june 1, 2024: - new post. kinda odd. march 24, 2024: - new post on neuroticism. wanted to make it a while ago, but kept putting it off. figured now was a good time while I'm back to being the most moody person on the planet. it was a nice reminder of what I need to watch out for... february 29, 2024 (happy leap day!!): - so I did some little style changes. just a few. left alignment, new site title because I thought the old one was lame, removing the stupid top bars on images, general formatting changes, the list goes on! - no more about me page. I don't have that much to say about myself anyway. it's just on the index page now. - fixed TONS of little typos and terrible phrasing across several pages - I'm saying this here to hold myself to it, but a c++ post is coming soon. I'm getting so nervous the closer it is to being done and I'm so close to wiping it all... - there's been a tiny update to the twitter post february 19, 2024: - OH GODDD I FORGOT TO CAPITALIZE LINUX ON THE FUCKING INDEX PAGE OF ALL PLACES WHY AM I LIKE THIS - new post too. I'm writing it to get it off my conscious. I feel so terrible for it you have no idea - also cleaned up some of the links section, I want to add more but I hate the format and am supposed to be going to sleep right about now... - that comment box issue is super annoying too. I added a thing on how to fix it, but still. I really want to just make my own one day february 4, 2024: more pics added! december 20, 2023: new post! - "GIRL ON THE INTERNET" wowwww really surprising people here, huh? - I tried the lowercase style for a bit, but I changed it back because the inconsistency between pages annoyed me. I do miss it. lowercase will always be my friend. you know that very well, changelog. - changed the about me page a bit to add more actually interesting info - changed index page as it immediately went out of date after my last update. I added a line that said it was november right before the month ended lol, not my best call but whatever november 25, 2023: new post! - "the state of cyuucat.moe" november 24, 2023: - redid some styling - had a mental break and realized my creative drought is my fault - updated the home page with super strange text - also I forgot to back up the site before I did this so I hope you like it, I literally can't change it back lol - redid about me (again) - removed older bad pics. adding new ones soon when I have a bit july 30, 2023: - new post about crippling internet addiction. where I write about a problem I have, but also don't really take steps to change it just yet. I'll get to it eventually. - removed some lines on the home page. - changed my about me to reflect the fact that I murdered my fedi instance. sowwy :3 january 24, 2023: new post - "a brief conversation with the forest" - completely unreadable center aligned, in my opinion, so I added a css line for that. - honestly don't know why I'm posting it, but oh well. - turned down the opacity of the scanlines by 3% because it was pretty hard to see the page january 12, 2023: finally changed hosting to linode - goodbye, slow loading porkbun! - this is the last update for today, I swear. january 12, 2023: attempt #2 - fixed the issue with a tiny bit of the background showing beneath the side panels - fixed a long running issue with the side panels and their widths being messed up january 12, 2023: a lot of things! - favicon change - made the full image of the side panels viewable on click. you'll have to click the left panel to get the image - sorted the photos section by reverse chronological order - lots of stylesheet improvements, mainly organization improvements and removing repetitive or useless lines. - increased the brightness of the font to make the site more readable. - declared the doctype on all pages, not just the index page, which took most the site out of quirks mode. yes I am a dummy. due to this, there is now an issue with images that I have been unable to fix. - typo fixes - changed the file structure of the site itself - completely removed the journal section due to a lack of use. I'd like to focus more on actual posts - changed some side banners - slightly edited the index page text - lastly, added a changelog, which I have been wanting since site creation but didn't add out of laziness november 23, 2022: complete revamp of the linux page - it has a table of contents now november 10, 2022: new post about linux elitism! november 9, 2022: internet anonymity post temporarily taken down until it is improved september 26, 2022: new post about moral theories! september 15, 2022: new post about my experience with hetzner september 12, 2022: hetzner banned me, moved hosting to porkbun :3 - porkbun unfortunately has the slowest image loading ever. this will be fixed eventually september 10, 2022: moved site to cyuucat.moe - made cyuucat.neocities.org redirect to cyuucat.moe - moved hosting to hetzner