[cyuu@cat]# _


>> Haaaiii hewwoo :3

Hi. I'm Cyuu, but now in a cool left-aligned style. I'm a hopeless nerd who was given unrestricted Internet access at the age of 5, which means I have been scarred beyond belief (and I also got to watch forums die, which sucked). Now I have a website and I cannot be stopped from writing stupid things on the Internet.

You should switch to Linux. That's half the reason I made this site. Go read about it!

>> About

I'm a burnt out computer science student. I like jigsaw puzzles, photography, cool looking clothes, cleaning, and hoarding bookmarks - I'm at 1,721 currently. I like computers a lot, even though I'm bad at using them. I like Linux a lot too, and I hope one day it is dummy-friendly so everyone can switch to it. I don't like most abbreviations, movies, and the majority of TV shows.

If you want to get in touch with me, send me a message on XMPP at cyuucat@trashserver.net. If you like email, you can email me at cyuucat@protonmail.com. Apologies in advance if I do not reply - I am horrible at it.

I use arch like a total loser and I love it to death :>

>> Updates

A full changelog can be found here.

June 1: New post. I will make no comments about previously promised ones.

March 23: New post! It was not the one I planned on writing, but it is one! The C++ one is coming soon, for real, I promise, haha I'm not fighting the urge to delete it at all

February 29 (happy leap day!): There have been some stylesheet updates as you can probably see! Please refresh with Ctrl + F5 to grab the new one. I've removed the about section entirely, and it's now been condensed onto the index page. I've switched to left-aligned text across most the site to greatly increase readability. Typos and errors and phrasing across many posts has been fixed. Also, an introductory post on C++ is coming soon.

>> Comments

Cbox is currently not working on Firefox. To fix this on a hopefully temporary basis, click the shield icon on the left of the search bar, and turn it off for this site.

Don't be too silly.